A spiritual renewal program for women pastors serving congregations.
Women Touched by Grace, a spiritual renewal program for women pastors serving congregations, is partially funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. and hosted by the Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center in Beech Grove, Indiana (20 minutes from the Indianapolis International Airport). Women pastors from across the country will convene for five 10-day sessions focusing on building community, parish leadership, spiritual direction, systems theory and prayer disciplines.
This project brings together the best Catholic and Protestant traditions of prayer and leadership in order to equip clergywomen to be spiritual leaders of their congregations.
Clergywomen compose only 13% of all clergy in the nation. They need “to stick together,” as one so aptly put it. The Sisters of St. Benedict (Catholic women religious) wish to reach out to these women pastors to share their own rhythm of prayer and the monastic traditions that guide their lives. [read more]
What is Women Touched by Grace?

Who are the Sisters of St. Benedict?
The Sisters of St. Benedict of Our Lady of Grace Monastery came to Beech Grove, Indiana 1955. One hundred and thirteen strong, the sisters formed a new community which would proudly serve the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and beyond. Today, 61 members continue the vision of their foremothers and the charisms of PRAYER - WORK - HOSPITALITY.
For more about the Sisters of St. Benedict of Our Lady of Grace, Monastery click here for a video of their history or visit their website at www.benedictine.com.
Donate to the Women Touched by Grace
Women Touched by Grace has been able to accept 69 clergywomen into the progam since its inception in 2003. Through the generosity of Lilly Endowment Inc., WTBG has been financially responsible for the bulk of the expenses for the women in the program. We cannot soley depend of the tremendous gift from Lilly Endowment and so we look to those who are interested in supporting this progam and the clergywomen by donating funds to the recently established, WTBG Endowment Fund. The monies generated from this effort will help to create a financial stabilty for WTBG so more women can take part in this viable and life-giving progrm.